Thursday, January 8, 2009

The expert - part 1

The initial issues of why Aidan and Erin had to return to hospital after Aidan's 6th day on Earth haven't been fully resolved.  Yesterday we went to a midwife to finally see if we could get him to breastfeed.  She's a specialist and we've heard from other midwives that 'if Lousie can't get him to latch, no-one will'.

Well,  when we saw her she did a few routine tests, had a look at him feeding and told us, 'yes, he's got used to the bottle.'

She then tried a few different ways of feeding, asked us what he was like when breastfeeding and when she learned that he would either instantly sleep or become agitated she said that was usual and he just wants the milk quicker than is currently possible. This is why he liked the bottle so much.

She said he needed to be Finger Feeding before he would get used to latching on.  This gets him away from the synthetic rubber nipple of a bottle.  We tried this in the hospital but were not supported enough to take it a step further - it's a slow process.

Last night and this morning have been tough.  He's tried hard at taking the milk this way but it seems to take a lot more than usual to calm him down after his feed.  He does get very good at the action of sucking this way as the milk is nearing the bottom of the bottle.  Maybe it is working.  Although, it does seem to be disrupting his sleep pattern.  And ours.

We're back with Louise later today and tomorrow.  We'll see how it goes.

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