Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another night

Erin and Aidan are taking full advantage of the full board treatment at St Thomas' Hospital again tonight. But they are doing great. Erin's exhausted but is keeping her strength up.  And Aidan is getting stronger every feed - so are his dirty nappies.

Hopefully, after the doctor has given the go ahead, they should be back home for the New Year's Eve celebrations.

Aidan has put on two ounces since entering hospital and everything the doctors were worried about has either dropped or risen the way it should.  He's getting more energetic - especially after feeding - and seems to be learning new tricks.  This morning he sat on his mum's lap, raised his arms in to a yogic pose and looked like he was meditating. This afternoon I'm sure I caught a smile at his grandma.  And this evening he didn't pee while we changed him. 

I still worry but, hopefully, things are getting better.

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