Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Junior kick start*

Erin an I were in bed last night chatting about Seth's wedding when she said: 'I think I just felt the baby kick.' With a slight pause, probably to reduce my imminent over-excitement, she followed up with 'but it was probably just wind'.

She said it felt like a tiny little bubbly-air-push in the lower area of her belly. Hopefully it was a kick, maybe it was a little sucker punch. As Erin's going into her 19th week she's dues to feel something. We were only talking earlier, with a hint of worry, that she hadn't felt anything and that the pregnancy magazines and books all mention it could possibly start in week 18.

To get the baby kicking it's apparently a good idea to down a glass of cold water. We were going to do that before Erin felt it independently. I'm glad I forgot to put the water in the fridge.

*Note.  Junior kick Start was a TV favourite of young boys in the early 80s in the UK featuring a motorbike competition with lots of mud during summer holidays.


anastasia said...

Exciting stuff, but don't worry if week 23 rolls around & you still have not felt anything - those things soemtimes take time. Mine started around week 20, with more like a few consecutive thumps in a row. Now we can actually SEE movement & have to beg it to stop (rolling, punching, jumping) so that I can fall asleep at night!

Anonymous said...

JAY!!! Congratulations! Didn't realise you are going to be a daddy! Mum says you will make a great dad! Congratulations to you both.

