Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Last weekend we ventured up to Buckhorn State Park to go camping with Pat, Roby, Amelia and Ripley.

Getting there late after filling our bellies at Famous Daves challenged our tent-putting-up skills but with Pat's help and only a few wrong turns it was up in a surprisingly quick time - it stayed up too.

Aidan coped valiantly on the adventure, staying away from the Poison Ivy and fire pit. He went swimming, hiking and brushed his teeth after every time we grilled.

Amelia took to the lake like a duck to water. Like a rubber duck to water.

When it was time to go, Aidan got a little upset when we took down his pack n play and then tent. But he cheered but when we threw him in the back of the trolley to take everything back to the car.


Simon said...

When you say grilled, does that mean barbecued? And what does broiling mean? It looks lovely, but I am confused.

Jay said...

Dear confused - it doesn't take much.

Grillling is barbecueing. And broiling is grilling, at least here in the Midwest. I always thought Broiling was boiling something then grilling it. That must be Brilling.


Thought not.

Jay said...
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