Thursday, May 29, 2008

Difficult times

Well, not that difficult but secret keeping isn't my forte and we're only telling a select few people about the pregnancy until we've had the 12 week scan - 15 days to go.  

I always have to tell someone at least some part of a secret I know.  I'm sure - and it's amazing that I've not been found out, or if I have, punched, for letting some secrets go - that I've let some major ones out of the bag in the past.  In fact I have.  As a teenager I loved gossip - good for my career I suppose - and always had to pass it on to at least one person as soon as I heard it.  But at the moment we're not telling any more people than we've already told and it's killing me.  

I generally have ups and downs with my moods anyway but as soon as we found out about Erin it's been haywire and when people ask me how I am I must be so conspicuous with my answer as it's just a set pat Yeah good thanks - said very quickly, and very quickly after the question has been asked. Usually, I'll allude to the truth and see if the person who asked the question wants to pick up the gauntlet.  But not now, I just blurt out that I'm good and turn it around to them.  

I can't actually bare taking about myself at the moment as all I want to do is shout our news from the roof tops and I'm sure I'm going to let the cat out of the bag half way through all my sentences.

But my mum and dad are in London tonight so we're going out for a meal.  I might be babied out by the end of the evening.

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