On Sunday, we went to seth and Alissa's for breakfast then the boys (and Amelia) set off to go to the Threshers train and tractor fair in Edgerton. It's only a few miles away so wouldn't take 10 minutes to get there.
An hour and half later, due to cars getting stuck in the mud, we arrived.
It was quite the exhibition of all things steam and combustion. Needless to say we got covered in soot and the train was the highlight for Aidy.
Aidy at the helm |
Aidy and Seth mechanically milling corn |
Train rules |
Pat and Amelia taking in the view |
Aidy practicing his royal wave from the train |
A proud moment for the boy
We saw a lot more than this which we preferred to commit to memory rather than photos - that and the chief photographer was out with the girls.
There was even a parade of tractors showing the evolution of the vehicle. For something which is technically boring to me, it was quite the sight.
But the highlight for me was the journey there. During the traffic jam, Uncle Seth and Aidy would constantly tell Pat to "go faster, Pat," to fits of giggles. While Aidy learnt the term old fogey. But I won't tell you who that was aimed at.
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