Saturday, July 30, 2011

Best friends and more - a rare post from Mom

At Olbrich Gardens' park on Friday, Aidan quickly joined a group of kids playing at the slides. When asked his name he replied smartly "Aidy!" The boy wasn't sure of his name and asked again.

Aidan replied loudly "Aidy Don Wadder!"

He then chose the youngest one, probably about 6 mo. his junior and followed her around saying "she my best friend". The little girl didn't really mind having a new shadow but also didn't seem to respond with as much enthusiasm. When the group of kids left he was devastated, "me too, me too" he told me as I tried to bundle him up for our trip back home.

Later on the weekend we were at the beach and he saw an older boy playing with a dump truck. He told me, "He my best friend, dat boy." He then went over to him and started playing. As we were leaving he told me again that the boy was his best friend.

Other things about Aidan at the moment:

*He told me today that he got pushed and that is why he has an owie. I asked him who pushed him and he replied "Claire did." He hasn't seen Claire for 2 months. Hmmm...

*Who is Peter Rabbit's best friend? "Batman!"

*Favorite breakfast- waffles with butter and some "sur-ip"

*Aidan loves hooks and especially "Creaky Cranky" from Thomas the Train. If he picks something up off the floor he acts like his arm is a crane and slowly picks it up with his "hook".

*Chase me Mama! is heard every day.

*Who is Aidan's best friend? "Sophie"

*How old is Aidy? "Aidy Don Wadder!"

*How many times can Aidan jump from the dock into Daddy's arms in the lake? I lost count.

Overall Aidan is a good boy.

At the picnic outside of Olbrich a table of rowdy girls kept Aidan's attention. He whispered to me 'Mama, dose girls are naughty."

He will walk when told to as we walk down a pier. I do need to remind him every other step.

He goes in the bath when told to, after getting all of his trains and cars to join him.

He goes to bed when it is time, although he does stay up and chat to himself for an hour or so.

He says 'puleeeaase' and 'sorry' a lot.

And he loves kisses and cuddles. Although this morning he did tell me he wanted 'Ipeam (icecream) followed by buckets of tears on the kitchen floor when I said no.

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