Aidan may only have a few words but he can be bossy sometimes. He takes pride in his daily work, which mainly comprises of running cars up and down a track or a windowsill. If he sees his mum with her camera in hand he'll get her to take a picture of his handy-work.

Speaking of Aidan's words. he seems to be really gathering them now. His current favourites are choo-choo and kitty-cat. But he also likes to say moon, stars, and pee-pee and poo-poo.
He says, "all done," when he's finished with his food. And his new favorite food is "Cookie".
Mamadada seems to be used a lot too, meaning both my mum and dad. He does differentiate though. When flicking though a magazine the other day he saw a picture of Wonder Woman and shouted, "Mama, Mama." I, on the other hand, have been called Homer Simpson and Thomas The Tank Engine's Fat Controller.