Aidan slept, more or less, all night long last night, again. He had a long stretch from 7 - 11:30, fed until 12 and slept for 7 hours straight, waking at 8. If that doesn't make sense, I'll give you a clue.
That's it.
I'll stop telling you the ins and outs of his sleeping patterns now until something major happens.
So onto other things. We met up with Erin's work colleagues and friends at the Westminster School Boat Club this afternoon to watch the annual Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race. We toyed with the idea of going all weekend, knowing from last year, how packed and loud it could get. So as we set out we said we'd just go as far as we could until it got unbearable for Aidan's 13 week old senses.
Would we have to turn around on the 10 minute walk to the station? The ten minute train ride to Putney? The ten minute walk - along the back roads, away from the madding crowd? On the banks of the Thames with the madding crowd, cheering the boats on? Or at the club house itself?
Actually, none of the above. He stayed the whole distance. He screamed when the crowds got raucous at the start, at the boat house when the old boys saw they were edging away from Cambridge, and was a bit wary of new people coming up to him. But the boy did good. Even if it did take us longer to get him to sleep than usual tonight.
Outside the official Oxford University Boat House
Obviously one person in this picture is a lot more excited than the other